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US Universities

7 Reasons Why American Colleges are the Best

When it comes to a college education, the universities that we have in the US are simply the best and as such there are many students from around the world who come into the country in order to make the most out of the education that is on offer here. There are many reasons why the USA offers the best colleges in the world and today we are going to have a look at just 7 reasons to support this claim.

Top of the Pops

A recent study by a London-based higher education think tank has found that in the top 25 universities and colleges around the world, the US features 18 times. A similar study carried out by Shanghai Jiao for the annual Academic Ranking of World Universities, actually had 19 US colleges in his top 25 list.

Frats and Sororities

Students and their lifestyle is a huge part of college and there are nowhere in the world that does it quite like we do in the States. At the heart of this college lifestyle is the fraternity system, a student run collection of groups who work together to work, rest and play. There is misconception that these youngsters running around in custom greek letters shirts are nothing but party animals. The truth is however that they are far more than that and they regularly help out in the community and members of the group must maintain good grades to keep their place.

Student Environment

There is more power given to the students in the universities in the United States when it comes to community events and the student way of life. This is something that does exist in other countries, but nowhere near on the scale of the US approach.

Best Professors

A recent study from a job search website found that the US was the most desirable place for professors from around the world to ply their trade. The US has attracted some of the finest professors both domestically and internationally as they look to come and teach the best students on the planet.

Study Pattern

The US is unique in the way that students study, using the 2 and 2 system rather than a 4 year major. What this means is that students aren’t required to pick a major topic until they reach year 3, this system helps students to realize what they would like to be rather than be forced into a choice at a young age.

Job Success

The figure of the amount of people over 25 in the US that hold a degree from university and are unemployed is just 2.3%, one of the lowest figures in the world and proof that an education in the US can help you greatly in the jobs market.


The curriculum which is taught at top colleges like Harvard, Yale and Princeton is revered around the world and it is the culmination of many years of intense work by scholars. If you want the very best education, then the curriculum that is taught here will ensure that you are fully educated.