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Essential Packing List for a Weekend Getaway: Be Prepared for Anything!

Weekend getaways are a fantastic way to recharge and create lasting memories. Whether you’re seeking a relaxing beach escape, a vibrant city adventure, or a rejuvenating mountain retreat, packing the right essentials can make all the difference between a smooth trip and one riddled with unexpected snags.

Let’s face it, sometimes the unexpected happens. Last summer, I was set for a mountain escape with friends when disaster struck just miles outside Denver. A rogue pothole left a rather unsightly dent in my friend’s car bumper. Thankfully, we found a reliable collision repair shop in Denver that helped us get the bumper repaired, getting us back on the road quickly and efficiently. Lesson learned: unexpected mishaps can occur even on short trips, so it’s best to be prepared!

Now, onto the nitty-gritty: packing essentials for a seamless weekend getaway.


Choosing the right clothing for your weekend getaway is crucial for comfort and enjoyment. Here are some key considerations:

  • Pack versatile pieces that can be easily mixed and matched.
  • Consider the weather forecast and planned activities.
  • Opt for comfortable, breathable fabrics.
  • Don’t forget essentials like a swimsuit for beach getaways or a warm jacket for mountain adventures.


Packing appropriate footwear is essential for exploring your chosen destination comfortably.

  • Pack comfortable shoes suitable for walking and exploring.
  • Include a pair of dressier shoes for evenings out or special occasions.
  • Consider packing sandals or flip-flops for beach trips.


Packing essential toiletries ensures you stay fresh and comfortable throughout your trip.

  • Pack travel-sized versions of your favorite toiletries.
  • Don’t forget essentials like sunscreen, lip balm, and insect repellent.
  • Pack any necessary medications and prescriptions.


Staying connected and entertained during your getaway often involves packing essential electronics.

  • Pack your phone, charger, and any other essential devices like a camera or tablet.
  • Consider bringing a portable charger for extended trips or areas with limited charging options.

Travel Documents:

Ensuring you have the necessary travel documents is crucial for a smooth and stress-free journey.

  • Pack your driver’s license or passport (depending on your destination).
  • Bring any necessary travel insurance documents.
  • Make copies of important documents and store them separately in case of loss.

Pro Tip: Packing for Different Activities

Here’s a quick breakdown of additional items you might need depending on your chosen getaway:

  • Beach Getaway: Beach getaways often require specific items to maximize your enjoyment under the sun.
  • Beach towel
  • Sunhat
  • Sunglasses
  • Beach bag
  • Cool bag for snacks and drinks
  • City Break: City breaks often involve a lot of walking and sightseeing, so packing accordingly is key.
  • Comfortable walking shoes
  • Umbrella or raincoat
  • City map or guidebook
  • Mountain Escape: Mountain escapes often involve hiking and outdoor activities, so packing the right gear is essential.
  • Hiking boots or sturdy shoes
  • Layers of clothing for changing weather conditions
  • Backpack
  • Water bottle
  • Sunscreen and insect repellent

Emergency Preparedness:

It’s always wise to pack a few essentials for unforeseen circumstances:

  • Car Essentials: Being prepared for unexpected car troubles can save you time and hassle during your trip.
  • Jumper cables
  • Tire pressure gauge
  • First-aid kit
  • Flashlight
  • Road flares
  • First Aid: Packing a basic first-aid kit ensures you’re prepared for minor injuries or ailments.
  • Bandages
  • Antiseptic wipes
  • Pain relievers
  • Allergy medication (if applicable)
  • Communication: Staying connected in case of emergencies is crucial.
  • Portable phone charger
  • External battery pack
  • Emergency contact information


Packing for a weekend getaway doesn’t have to be overwhelming. By following this essential list and tailoring it to your specific trip, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable adventure. Remember, even the best-laid plans can encounter unexpected bumps (like that pesky pothole!). 

With a little preparation and a positive attitude, you’re all set to create unforgettable weekend memories!


Tips for Traveling With a New Baby

Bringing a new baby into this world is life-changing. It’s a blessing and one of the most beautiful things to ever happen to you, but it also brings new challenges. One of the things that will change is how you travel. While you can certainly travel with a new baby, there are some things to know and things you should do to make the process as easy as possible.

Plan Ahead

One of the most important things to do is to plan ahead. Flying by the seat of your pants is not a good idea when traveling with your new baby. Just like you had to prepare for when you found your new CDJR for sale, you need to plan for bringing your new baby with you on your life’s adventures. This helps you anticipate the changes that will come with traveling with a new baby so you can plan what to do when a challenge arises.

Pack the Essentials

Your packing list will change quite a bit after you’ve had a baby. For example, you will need plenty of diapers and wipes, as well as a change of clothes just in case they soil their outfit. Bring a variety of choices in case the weather changes unexpectedly. Bring along any formula, bottles, baby food, or whatever you need to keep your baby fed and content.

Ensure Baby’s Safety

Of course, you’ll need the proper car seat to ensure your baby is safe when traveling. Make sure you have a suitable rear-facing car seat that your child fits within the height and weight requirements. In addition, take it to a certified car seat specialist to have it installed properly. Do your research ahead of time to ensure your car seat will fit safely in your vehicle.

Stick to Routine

Just like at home, babies and children typically thrive on a schedule. While you can’t expect a tiny baby to eat on a schedule, it’s helpful to keep your bedtime routine as close to it as possible. This will help the baby to understand that it’s sleep time. In addition, try to feed the baby on close to the same schedule as you do at home. However, listen to your baby’s cues as well so you don’t have a fussy baby on your drive!

Be Flexible

Of course, you will need to be somewhat flexible while on your trip. Babies can be unpredictable, and there may be times when you have to veer from your schedule. This might be to pull over more than you anticipated to hold and interact with your baby or stop sooner for the night than you expected. Try not to let these unexpected changes stress you out, and embrace the fact that it’s part of being a new parent.

Enjoy the Experience

Traveling with a baby is a different experience, but it can be one full of great memories. Try to enjoy the changes and curveballs that come your way. By sticking to these tips, you can help ensure that your road trips are enjoyable, even with a new baby in tow.


Are You Prepared for the Holidays?

As the holidays draw closer each year, do you feel like you make the preparations needed to get the most out of them?

While the holidays can be stressful at times, the goal should be to prepare for them as much as possible. When you do, odds are you will get more enjoyment out of them.

That said are you prepared when the holidays come calling to your world the next time around?

Get the Most Fun from the Holiday Season

In getting the most fun out of the holidays, here are a few things to think about:

  1. Have you made your plans already? – It is important in trying to enjoy the holidays as much as possible to plan accordingly. That said waiting until the last minute to make plans can lead to stress and more. So, take time weeks ahead of when the holidays officially kick off to see what it is you’d like to do. As an example, do you think a Disneyland Christmas would be a fun thing to do? If so, do not wait until the last moment to get tickets and more. By doing your research in advance, you can get info on tickets, accommodations if needed and more. Making plans for any holiday events no matter how big or small can make things better fall into place.
  2. Not letting money get in way – From travel and attending events to buying gifts and more, you could run up a big bill. With that thought in mind, think about working off a holiday budget if necessary. Doing this will lessen what you spend. It can also cut down on any worries you may have of running up a big credit card bill. A holiday budget should also focus more on spending cash and not the plastic. While you may well need a credit card for some things you buy, do not make a habit out of it. Using cash tends to make one spend less. That way you do not feel the pain when your credit card bill comes due.
  3. Putting stress in the rear-view mirror- Also make it a priority to not let stress get the better of you. That is in preparing and experiencing the holidays. Unfortunately, too many individuals do in fact let stress get the better of them. When this occurs, it can take all the fun out of the holiday season. So, think about what triggers your stress reactions and do your best to avoid them. Also be sure if you have any holiday travel plans to get as much work or school done before leaving. You do not want to be on your laptop dealing with work or studies. This would be when you’re supposed to be on holiday vacation having fun.
  4. Lean on past experiences – If you’ve had past pre-planning that worked, consider trying it again. This can be planning trips, getting your holiday tree, buying gifts and more. Sticking to a routine that has worked for you can make this holiday season as enjoyable.

In planning for the holidays this time around, will you be satisfied with the outcomes?


Why Visit Disneyland Paris

Disneyland is easily the world’s biggest giant when it comes to theme parks. It’s a behemoth that’s been around for a very long time, and Disney is a household name that rarely anyone hasn’t heard about. Yet, Disneyland Paris – formerly known as Euro Disney – isn’t usually as well-known as its US counterparts. Visiting Disneyland Paris is always amazing, as it’s a destination that deserves a lot of praise, and you can easily avoid the queues by pre-buying your Euro Disney tickets.

The Rides Are Amazing

  • Sleeping Beauty Castle – a classic ride that everyone has heard about, Sleeping Beauty Castle is downright beautiful, as it’s one of those rides that you really can’t believe about until you’ve seen it with your own two eyes. It’s rare that a ride can achieve the splendor of a location from an original animated feature film to the level that this ride has.

  • Space Mountain – many of the regular fans will definitely be pleased with the way this ride has been made, since it’s quite faithful to the original, but a few elements have been changed so as for the ride to feel fresh and unique.

  • Rock n’Roller Coaster – a truly amazing ride that features a wide assortment of many popular and well-known Aerosmith tunes. There might not be a Hollywood studios rides in Disneyland Paris, but this is as amazing as it gets.

Better Transportation

It’s no secret that public transportation in Europe is generally better than in the states, and that’s absolutely the case with Paris. Euro Disney is incredibly easy to reach, as there are several public transport stations in the near vicinity of the entrance to the park, with the subway dropping you off right at the entrance to the park. There is no comparison to any other Disneyland park, especially when in some cases it takes a lot of time to reach the entrance.

Easier to Navigate

While there is something to be said about large parks with practically an infinite number of rides and attractions, there is something special about Disneyland Paris and its relatively modest size. It’s great that it doesn’t take an ungodly amount of time simply to move to a different ride, and you won’t tire nearly as much as you wouldn’t in any Disneyland Park in the states.

Smaller Crowds

Disney and Disneyland are incredibly popular in any corner of the world and there’s no exception in Paris. But Disneyland is much more popular in the states than in Europe so, naturally, there are bigger crowds in the US. Because of this, it’s so much better to go and see Disneyland Paris, as you’ll generally spend a lot less time waiting in lines, or having to maneuver between excessive crowds of people.

Disneyland Paris is definitely a fantastic destination, one that will have you coming back for more. It’s a park that is not only interesting and fun, but a park that will only get even better with time, as there’s practically infinite potential to have fun for anyone from all groups and ages.

Entertainment, Travel

Top 5 Things to Experience in Las Vegas

Las Vegas has to be one of the most exciting tourist destinations on the planet with a wealth of entertainment to satisfy all tastes. From the incredible to Las Vegas shows to the world’s classiest Casinos this is the place to indulge in all that is fun. This City is the entertainment capital of the World and there are certain things every tourist must experience when coming to Las Vegas. Here are Top 5 things to do in Las Vegas Experiences.

Experience in Las Vegas

Bar Hop The Las Vegas Strip

The Las Vegas strip is the most famous strip of entertainment on the planet. Just walking through the strip on an evening & soaking up the vibrance is an experience in itself. You can only imagine the wild stories slowly unfolding. Bar hop the Las Vegas strip and hold nothing back. Stop by the Bellagio and watch the spectacular water fountain show on the way before your next bar and finish of in one of Las Vegas top clubs like Omnia or XS for a wild night listening to one of the world best DJ’s.

Pool Party’s

Las Vegas is a 24 hour party destination, especially during the summer. While you nurse your hangover in the mornings thousands of young revelers are already on there way to Las Vegas Pool Parties that commence as early as 11 am.

Las Vegas holds the most famous and arguably the wildest pool parties on the planet. Day Club Venues such as Encore Beachclub, Wet Republic and the legendary Rehab Day Club at Hard Rock attract the world’s biggest DJ’s along with millions of party animals each year. These pool parties are absolutely rocking and a must-see experience for anyone in their 20’s. The crowd lets loose, beautiful young people neck shots, dive in the pool and dance around in bikinis to the booming electronic music.


Anyone coming to Las Vegas who doesn’t visit the Grand Canyon is seriously missing out on something! Both those on a short schedule and those who want to visit the Grand Canyon in some style should see it from a helicopter. 

The view of the Las Vegas Strip from above is an experience in itself, but the incredible scenery over the Grand Canyon via helicopter is something else. A must do Las Vegas experience for those visiting the city.


Gamble in Legendary Casinos

The Las Vegas Strip is home to some of the World’s Best Casinos and Casinos. The Venetian Hotel & Casino has its own river where guests can ride gondolas, then there is the world’s coolest water fountain show at the Bellagio as mentioned above. But get inside and things only get more exciting, the luxurious casinos are something to marvel over and the rush of playing blackjack or roulette in Venues as legendary as Caesars Palace is an absolutely fantastic experience. Just make sure what you gamble, your willing to lose!

Go to a Las Vegas Show

Nowhere does shows quite like Las Vegas! With and endless array of the worlds greatest shows to choose from. With musicals from legends such as The Beatles and Michael Jackson and the stunning acrobatic performances at the Cirque Du Soleil shows you are bound to left mind blown by the shows in Las Vegas. Remember to try to book things in advance to get the best deals.


Five Ways to See the Best of Fort Lauderdale

Often referred to as the Venice of America, Fort Lauderdale beckons you to jump in an RV and cruise along the waterways that will take your breath away. Travel to Fort Lauderdale is for those who want a dreamy experience, a wide variety of options and budget-friendly prices.

Once a popular 1980s spring break destination, today’s Fort Lauderdale is much more tranquil with sandy shores that rub your feet just the right way. Keep reading to learn of some of the must-see travel attractions in this beautiful city.

fort lauderdale

Drive to the Fort Lauderdale beaches

It’s a good thing you have an RV because Fort Lauderdale has 23 miles of sun-drenched beaches. What’s more is many of them have been classified by the Council of Washington DC as Blue Wave Beaches. You may be wondering what that means, well–the beaches are visitor-friendly, safe and clean.

Whether you want to give your skin a bit more color, go jet skiing, parasailing, swimming or just read that book you’ve been dying to finish–you’ll find something for everyone here. And, with your RV, you don’t have to trek the entire beach strip on foot–you can pick and choose the perfect beach spot for you.

There’s Pompano Beach, Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, Dania Beach Ocean Park, Hallandale Beach and Hollywood Beach. You can also dine on the freshest seafood while soaking up the unforgettable views. With lots of stops along the way here are some tips to keep you safe when driving.



Adding to the beach vibes, why not go under the sea? When traveling to Fort Lauderdale, you just have to pay a visit to the colorful sea life who make up the underwater universe. If you hit Lauderdale-By-The-Sea, the reefs are just 100 yards off shore. While snorkeling, you might catch a glimpse of queen angels, Spanish hogfish, sea turtles and more.


Museum of Discovery and Science

It’s always important to exercise your brain. When you’re feeling scorched, head indoors to enjoy two floors of interactive exhibits. Take a simulation to Mars or the Moon.

You might even like to convey your piloting chops in a simulated cock-pit. If you have your family with you, the Museum of Discovery and Science is a great place to visit.


Stroll along Las Olas Boulevard

This is a great place for a casual stroll where you can window shop and people watch. All the relaxing and Mediterranean-style storefronts are surrounded by palm trees. You’ll find everything here from cigars to beach wear, cafes and galleries. And, don’t forget to enjoy a slice of Key lime pie.


Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum

Founded by Arthur O. Stone, you’ll find the history of the Packard Motor Company. In fact, you’ll get to see several pre-war Packard cars. And, within the 30,000-square foot building, you’ll get to see thousands of pieces of memorabilia. In fact, there are 22 Packard automobiles built between 1900 and the 1940s.


Final thought

Fort Lauderdale, the Venice of America, is calling you to sway along with the palms and inhale the refreshingly salty air. Leave all your troubles behind, and RV along the scenic beaches. You’ll return home invigorated with a different life perspective.


How To Avoid Getting Malaria When Travelling

Malaria is an illness that is still highly prevalent around the world. This disease, caused by the bite of the female Anopheles mosquito, can be life-threatening. The infection is usually more rampant in warm tropical and subtropical climates where the parasite thrives easily. So if you are travelling elsewhere, take some steps to take care of yourself. In this case, prevention is definitely better than cure!

The first step is to find out if this disease is prevalent in the area where you intend to travel. If so, a visit to your doctor is due. Obtain antimalarial medication and carry it with you.

Once there, you can take a number of preventative measures to ensure that you don’t contract malaria. The most sensible thing would be to try and not get bitten by mosquitoes. But this might not be as easy as you would think. You can, however, try these tricks to see if it works:

  • Mosquitoes are active from dusk to dawn, so try to stay indoors during this period as much as possible.
  • Try to get a room with air-conditioning, as that usually drives the mosquitoes out. They prefer warmth.
  • Spray your room with a mosquito repellent in the late afternoon before the mosquitoes enter. This will prevent the mosquitoes from coming in, and you won’t have to breathe the chemicals over the night. You can find out from the locals which is the most effective repellent.
  • Mosquito repellent ointments are also available. You can spread this liberally on the exposed portion of your skin when you go out or while you sleep.
  • If you go out during the evenings, try to keep your skin covered. Wear full sleeves and cover your legs. Light coloured clothing can also act as a repellent to the mosquitoes.
  • If you are camping out, then make sure that your camping gear is treated with insecticides. Your gear should definitely include mosquito nets for sleeping in.

But even with the best intentions and precautions, people do fall prey to the disease. When this happens, consult the nearest doctor at the earliest to confirm the diagnosis. The symptoms include nausea, tiredness, aches, shaking, fever, and general fatigue. The illness can become manifest around 10 days to 4 weeks after infection, though in some cases, people have been known to become ill after several months.

A blood test is the best way to get yourself diagnosed, so go to a hospital quickly. If you can’t reach a doctor right away, then take antimalarial medication until you can reach one. Once diagnosed, you can start your treatment. Since this infection is often prone to relapse as the parasite can live in your bloodstream for up to 4 years, it is important for you to complete the full course of the treatment and go back for check-ups.

Malaria can give you a tough time, but it is a disease that you can both prevent and cure, provided you are careful.


3 Tips to Improving Your Safety on the Roads

Each time you get behind the wheel of your car or truck, do you feel as if you are as safe as possible out there?

For millions of drivers, safety unfortunately takes a back seat to reckless driving. As a result, they put themselves and others at risk. In some cases, those risks end up resulting in serious injuries and even death.

While you can’t control the actions of others on the road, you can in fact determine how you drive when behind the wheel.

With that being the case, are you ready to improve your safety on the roads?

Being a Safer Driver Starting Today

So that you lessen the chances of being in an accident, remember these tips to improve your safety:

1. Preparedness

One of the main reasons drivers get into accidents in the first place is rushing. Whether they leave late or they do not take into account inclement weather, they can find trouble.

Always do your best to take your time when heading out. This is true even if you’re only running a mile or two from home to the store or an appointment. There is never a good reason to speed somewhere.

Part of that preparedness also transfers over to your vehicle.

Make sure you prepare your car or truck to be as road-ready as possible. This means regular maintenance visits to your mechanic. It also requires spending the money when brakes are in need of repair or a tire or two is lacking tread.

By making your times on the road as safe as possible, you can very well live to tell everyone about it.

2. Recklessness

As part of your preparations and those for your vehicle, don’t be one of the countless reckless drivers.

Among some of the more common reckless traits:

· Speeding – Even if you had someone in the vehicle about to deliver a baby, there is no reason to speed. Sure, everyone goes a few miles over the limits at times, but that’s where it should end.

· Distractions – From your phone to using makeup or an electric razor, avoid distractions. It only takes a second or two of removing your eyes from the road to cause quite an accident.

· Tickets – Are you wondering if you have a reckless driving ticket or two you may have forgotten? If so, you could be driving around looking over your shoulder whenever you see police. Use one of the online services out there that can show you if you should worry about getting pulled over.

3. Rage

Although it can become easy to get into a rage over someone cutting you off, tailgated, or even flipped off, don’t do it.

While some road rage incidents end up nothing more than a quick exchange, others get more serious.

In the event someone does something to get your ire, do your best to turn the other cheek and drive away.

By doing so, you keep yourself and others out of harm’s way whether on a local drive or a road trip.

With these tips in mind, are you ready for a safer drive each time out?


Summer Getaway: Some “Must Visit” Coastal Retreats

Although summer is about halfway through, it’s not too late to plan a getaway for a long weekend or a week. Maybe you have gone to the same cabin every year for as long as you can remember or maybe you’re just fresh out of vacation ideas.

Whether traveling alone and splurging on luxury or are traveling with the family, check out these coastal retreats for something a little different this summer:

On The East Coast

When the East Coast is mentioned, people may mention the fishing harbors of the Northeast, the boardwalk of Atlantic City, or the sandy beaches of Florida. Coastal resorts might not be the first thing that comes to mind. The versatility of the East Coast means that there are many diverse resort options; here are a few:

The Cloister at Sea Island

Want to feel like you’re vacationing in the Mediterranean? The Cloister was built in 1928, and the has since been restored with some modern add-ons. The architecture alone feels exotic, and the amenities are designed for the traveler who wants to treat him or herself.

Perfect for a trip alone or with your family, The Cloister is on the Southeastern coast of Georgia, and there is a five-mile long private beach for guests at the resort. Whether you want to take a dip in the pool, learn how to sail, or even go horseback riding on the beach, there’s plenty to do without worrying about the crowds of tourists.

Stockton Seaview Hotel and Golf Club

If you’ve saved up to enjoy a luxurious and relaxing vacation, consider the Stockton Seaview Hotel and Golf Club. Built in 1912, Seaview has been popular among the rich and famous as well as families and “everyday” people escaping the stressors of daily life.

Even if you’re not a golfing pro, it would be a shame to pass up on the opportunity to play. If you’re looking for a place to relax and indulge in a spa treatment, Seaview is the place to go. It’s close to Atlantic City so you can do a little gambling or if you want to sit by the pool and play some online poker or slots, just visit a top online casino.

West Coast

West coast beaches are quintessential summer, and while they are fun to visit, they become overcrowded in a hurry. Want to do something a little bit different? Here are a few resorts to consider:

Paradise Point Resort and Spa

This resort and spa is located on a private, 44-acre island in the Mission Bay area of San Diego. If you’re traveling alone and hoping for some quiet time, don’t let the family-friendly atmosphere deter you; remember, there’s lots of space to spread out and enjoy all the amenities Paradise Point has to offer.

Want to learn how to surf, get a massage, or just hang out with your dog? Paradise Point is the place to as much or as little as you want in the perfect San Diego weather.

Coast Cabins

Want a little more privacy than a resort hotel? If you head Northwest to Manzanita, Oregon, you can stay at one of the Coast Cabins. These cabins are just a half a mile from the ocean, and the cabins have modern amenities but comforts of home like a kitchen or wood stove.

While these cabins may not be as high-brow as other coastal resorts, sometimes a minimalist resort is just what you need to relax and enjoy your summer getaway.


3 Safety Factors for Your Next Road Trip

Are you ready to head out on a road trip? If so, how safe of an experience do you expect it to be?

For millions of Americans hitting the roads, it is imperative their trips focus on safety. That said is safety always of prime importance to you?

Making for a safe road trip doesn’t have to be like pulling teeth.

By having commonsense, along with vehicle safety features, you can oftentimes avoid accidents.

So, are you prepared to get going on your next adventure on the roads?

Making Safety Your Number One Priority

When you make safety your number one priority, good things oftentimes happen.

That being the case, remember these all-important safety factors:

1. Your vehicle

What you drive ends up playing a major factor in keeping you and your loved ones safe on the roads. That said does your vehicle have all the safety features it needs?

One feature that may get overlooked yet plays a major role in keeping people safe is a backup camera system.

If you do not have one on your vehicle, the idea of installing a wireless backup camera system is a good decision.

The system helps remove what are blind spots. Those blind spots can end up being major factors in accidents. Even accidents at low speeds can prove quite destructive in more ways than one.

Once you have a wireless backup camera system, you are better prepared to see the following:

· Other vehicles nearby

· Individuals moving behind your car or truck

· Stationery objects like concrete walls or even poles in the ground

By making sure your vehicle is as sound as possible, you can reduce the chances for an accident.

2. Your driving

As it relates to your driving, be sure to follow the rules of the road whenever you start your vehicle. Even a momentary lapse in judgment can end up having devastating consequences.

For instance, if road rage gets the better of you, you could end up with more than an accident. In some cases, drivers and/or passengers have died when a situation got out of control.

In the event someone is causing you angst, it is best to get away from the situation as soon as possible.

If another driver continues to cause issues, do whatever you can to alert authorities. Although using your cell phone when driving is not a good idea, you may end up having to call 911.

With commonsense; chances of being in an accident or other negative situation decrease.

3. Your trip

As much as you want to avoid accidents and road rage they unfortunately can occur. That said do your best to focus on your road trip.

In concentrating on your road trip, be sure to plan your itinerary as completely as possible.

This means having your vehicle ready to roll and also making sure that you avoid:

· Drowsy driving – It only takes a second to lose control of your vehicle when you nod off.

· Drinking and driving – There is never an excuse for having one too many and getting behind the wheel.

· Reckless driving – From speeding to always changing lanes, don’t be the one everyone hates.

When the time comes for your next road trip, are you going to be as safe as you can be?